Ring Bearer Frame

Ring Bearer Frame

Ring Bearer Frame


Product Details

This beautiful frame is crafted from a natural finished alderwood. Each engraved picture frame is equipped with an easel and wall hanging brackets, so you can display this picture frame on your wall or coffee table. Personalize this frame with names, and a title. Each frame is also engraved with the saying below, and the ring bearer is replaced with whatever you enter for the title.

A wedding is not complete without a handsome ring bearer who is special, dear and sweet just like you! You're a special ring bearer, and our special day could never be the same if it wasn't for you!

Item Dimensions:
The 4 x 6 Frame Measures
8-5/8 H x 6-5/8 W

The 5 x 7 Frame Measures
9-1/2 H x 7-5/8 W

The 8 x 10 Frame Measures
12-5/8 H x 11-5/8 W

Please be sure to look over your personalization.
We will engrave this frame exactly as you enter it.
Please be sure to look over your punctuation, spelling, and capitalization before submitting.


Availability: In Stock

Dimensions: See Description

Material: Alder Wood