Curved Initials Frame

Curved Initials Frame

Curved Initials Frame


Product Details

This personalized glass picture frame is engraved with a heart holding a pair of initials. The perfect gift for any couple or for the special person in your life. For any occasion, couples, valentines day, engagement, wedding, birthday, or anniversary. The picture frame features a crescent shape with a beveled edge and a gold border frame that outlines the photo opening. Your picture frame will arrive individually packaged and wrapped in bubble wrap.Available in three popular sizes

Available in two popular photo sizes
4 x 6 and 5 x 7.

Item Dimensions:
The 4 x 6 Measures 8 H x 10-1/4 W
The 5 x 7 Measures 9 H x 13-1/4 W
Please be sure to look over your personalization.
We will engrave this frame exactly as you enter it.
Please be sure to look over your punctuation, spelling, and capitalization before submitting.


Availability: In Stock

Dimensions: See Description

Material: Beveled Glass