Why I Love Frame

Why I Love Frame

Why I Love Frame


Product Details

Show off all the reasons you love being an aunt, uncle, gram, papa, nana, mom or dad. This frame will be engraved with "Why I love being a" with your custom title. Along the bottom we will list all the reasons each separated with a small heart. This frame is a great gift idea for any Aunt, Uncle, Parent, or Grandparent along with a photo in the size of your choice.
* We will replace a with an if necessary *Item Dimensions:
The 4 x 6 Frame Measures
8-5/8 H x 6-5/8 W

The 5 x 7 Frame Measures
9-1/2 H x 7-5/8 W

The 8 x 10 Frame Measures
12-5/8 H x 11-5/8 W

Please be sure to look over your personalization.
We will engrave this frame exactly as you enter it.
Please be sure to look over your punctuation, spelling, and capitalization before submitting.


Availability: In Stock

Dimensions: See Description

Material: Alder Wood